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Terms of Use

The European Jesuit Libraries Provenance Project (EJLPP) is an Open Access project: the information posted here is available to researchers for use in scholarly projects.  It operates according to a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License (CCL) (see the link in the footer).


The materials catalogued herein are the result of collaborative work, in several senses: first, the information would not be available without the work of countless, often anonymous, cataloguers in Europe and the US, starting in the 1550s.  While the database itself is largely the work of the Principal Investigator (Kathleen Comerford, Georgia Southern University), others have worked on several aspects of the Project.  See "About Us" for more information on the contributions of students, past and present, at Georgia Southern University.


We ask that, in accordance with the CCL, any work (published or otherwise) which uses the information available via the EJLPP gives credit to both the Project and its contributors, in the following way:

  • complete URL for the EJLPP and/or the Digital Commons site

  • inclusion of names (Kathleen Comerford, Principal Investigator, for any portion; see "About Us" for up-to-date information about who worked on printers, data visualizations, etc.)


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