google-site-verification: googlea104e0a620441e8c.html Why we all need editors
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Why we all need editors

I've just updated the Excel file with the census of printed books--and it has some of corrections. My thanks to Neus Verger Arce of CRAI Biblioteca de Fons Antic (a new name; it used to be Biblioteca de Reserva) for pointing out some of them to me. I'd seen a few right away, of course--it's like that old joke about how to find your mistakes most efficiently (answer: hit "send"). It's frustrating, but true, that as soon as you post, submit, or send something, you see your errors as though they are highlighted in neon. So among other things:

  • the total number is now 6,242 (I found a few entries more with publication dates which make it impossible that they were held by a pre-suppression library), and

  • I've cleaned up the notes columns, both the one with my notes and the one with notes from cataloguing.

It's been a really, really busy year so far, and it's only the end of February. I'm working on too many projects simultaneously, and have fallen behind in most of them. I won't be able to upload more titles to the EJLPP for a few months yet, but I did have to make these corrections.

I do want to know if anyone finds mistakes, so please contact me with questions or concerns.

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